7 Business Statistics Assignment Writing Tips: The Advanced Guide to Craft a Masterpiece {Updated}
Many people decide to continue their learning at business schools, colleges, and universities. This is a very perspective industry. Really successful and smart folks can earn great money. While they study, they have to write a great variety of assignments. They are necessary because every businessman has to compose different plans, proposals, and other documents. One of the typical business papers is an assignment on statistics. It’s an important document because one can define how well or bad his/her business develops.
Of course, this assignment isn’t quite simple. It’s required to deal with multiple figures and numbers. Besides, a writer has to stick to stylistic and grammar rules to create a perfect piece. This guide will provide with the most important insights. We want to say that we won’t focus on such parts as the introduction, main body, and conclusion. These are common things you face in every academic assignment. We want to pay your attention to a bit more specific things.
Here are our tips offered by ENL academic experts from CustomWritings – online assignment writing service which helps students with any papers:
- Know your audience.
- Avoid acronyms and buzzwords.
- Use the active voice.
- Use a conversational tone.
- Replace hyperbole with convincing arguments.
- Write in your reader’s perspective.
- Be concise.
Tip #1
First of all, you should know who will read your statistical report. It should be mixed with the anticipated result. Put yourself in your readers’ shoes and think about what they expect to read in your paper. Who are your readers? What are their interests? Do they need all the numbers or only some concrete? How to make your writing vivid and informative? Try to answer these questions and you’ll understand the needs of your audience.
Tip #2
At times, writers try to make their texts vivid and captivating. However, the business industry is not about beautiful words, though you should organize your texts properly and select the appropriate language. You cannot use words out of other “genre”. For example, replace “utilize” with “use” or “equitable” with “fair”. What is common in these pairs? The variant suggested to replace is much simpler. Stick to the words that are known by all.
Tip #3
It’s important to minimize the occurrence of passive voice and impersonal sentences. Instead of them, you should use active constructions. Compare the sentences “The meeting goals could be debated further” (passive) and “Let’s debate the meeting goals” (active). As you can see, the active construction sounds stronger and is straight to the point. It requires fewer words to use.
Tip #4
Your business statistics report should be written in a conversational tone. Don’t be too formal and don’t stick to the official tone. It’s really boring and your audience will lose interest in your paper. It’s difficult to read such sort of documents. Try to set an inviting and personal tone. Engage your readers in reading to deliver the main message of your paper.
Tip #5
Many writers use hyperbole in business documents. Thus, they write such sentences and phrases like “The statistical analysis shows that we are the best company in the industry”. It’s much better to replace and change such sentences. For example, you can implement the following sentence “Adam Smith, the leading expert of Entrepreneur Incorporated, ranks our company the first place in the industry for the last month”. As you can see, it’s a less emotional statement and there are to exclamations that are similar to boasting.
Tip #6
Another crucial business writing recommendation is to write from the perspective of your readers. Let’s be honest – statistics papers are actually boring. To most people, it seems nothing but an enumeration of different numbers of ups and downs, improvement or stagnancy. Nonetheless, you ought to deliver a clear message that you’ve succeeded or that your company needs improvements. Your authorities, partners and potential investors are supposed to see the picture big.
You can engage them with the help of perspective. Use the pronouns “you” and “yours” generously. When your readers go through the document they will surely pay attention that you turn directly to them. They will automatically get interested in it. Minimize the use of “I”, “Me”, and “My”.
Tip #7
All business documents are official and should be professional. They also have a demand for being concise and meaningful. Don’t dance around the main question of your paper. Be straight to the point and write about the most important things you want to highlight. This is some sort of a call-to-action. Use facts and examples that are related to your topic. If you feel that the explanations take too long, use other examples to deliver the message quickly and plainly.
Additional Tips to Your Advantages
You should never stop your self-development. Once you learn the main recommendations, look for some other tips and tricks. We offer some smaller but all effective things you can use in your business statistics assignments:
- Avoid jargon.
- Don’t write too long sentences.
- Always double-check your writing.
- Save templates.
- Avoid unfamiliar technical terms.
- Avoid metaphors.
- Use concrete language.
- Omit needless words and shorten your text.
- Be professional and avoid humor.
- Restrict the use of adverbs.
- Check your grammar and spelling.
You’re also welcome to look for other suggestions for your business statistics paper. Gather data, gain experience and use it in your writing to enjoy success. Use available tips to compose an impressive statistical report.
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Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash