What Is Influencer Marketing, How To Find Influencers, And How To Be One! {Updated}

3D Character Illustrating Influencer Marketing and Social Media Icons

The first rule of Influencer Marketing is that people do not buy until they listen to the ones they trust first.

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Influencer marketing is the ability that defines clients´ trust, hate… or even worse, indifference! This is single-handedly one of the most effective marketing approaches available.

“The aim of Influencer Marketing is to identify the influencers in your niche and make them work for you by promoting your brand.”

What Exactly Is Influencer Marketing?

As the name suggests, it is the sort of strategy that provides customers with the promotion of specialists or trusted people (blog writers, YouTube content creators,  business/digital influencers, social media campaigns, etc…), getting the best out of their respect, charisma and of course, influence!

The Major Benefits Of Influencer Marketing To Your Public Approach

  • Get people to feel friendly and invited to accept a colleague’s recommendation about a product or service
  • Maximize the number of people reached by combining your service marketing strategy  with influencer´s audience and followers
  • Save a large amount of prospect ad investment: given each $1 you spend, can in some cases, generate a $7 revenue (officially proven)
  • Do not spend months of hardworking trying to develop a marketing strategy, once your influencer’s public sense of confidence is already one of the best customer impacts there is

…but, How Can I Do It?

1 – Find The Right Group

Your business is more likely to appeal to a group that is already interested in what you offer. Ok, it may sound like obvious advice, but try to promote your business to people who are actually interested in listening to you!

Some examples:

  • If you sell cell phones: try to get people who write or make videos about phone reviews or electronics.
  • If you sell insurance: people who write or do content about health-related subjects.
  • If you sell football fan items: sports magazines, sports youtube channels, podcasts about football/sports in general.

The thing is, you could get to a celebrity or a very popular “Youtuber” for instance, but if your public feels they don’t have a clue about what he or she is advertising, they certainly won´t take their word for it.

Now, I like technology, so I will at least pay attention or give credibility to someone I trust and feel like they have a special understanding of the topic.

The same for your public, at least 5 out of 10 people reading an article about “How to get a puppy” will be interested in dog food brand advertising.

On the other hand, people watching a baseball game on YouTube are less likely to be interested in home improvement utilities, NO MATTER HOW BIG IS THE NUMBER OF VIEWERS.

2 – Ways To Get Influencers

There are two very simple and fast ways which you can choose:

  1. Digital influencer business hunting: Do some research on popular websites like YouTube, Facebook, Linkedin, popular blog portals about specific niches, Instagram, and customer-aimed websites. Develop an email proposal and send it to your prospective partners.
  2. Job posting: You can publish a job post on freelancing websites like www.upwork.com, it is an online job platform aimed at freelancers, and the great thing is you can propose your own terms, and only get the people interested and told at first read what you demand, and can offer, so it is like you are the one who makes the decisions! Have a look at a similar job post you can base yourself on:

3 – Propose Wisely To Your Influencers

How to appeal to and convince influencers:

  • Try to convey to your prospective partner the idea that you are not just paying him to make an advertising… but you are starting a very promising business partnership with him!
  • You can get to them by email or even a Skype meeting.

Keep the following tips in mind when you propose your prospect influencers:

  1. Always try to make your influencer get the idea that he or she is not signing up for a one-time project with you, but instead, he is investing in a business short-term growth strategy! And both of you guys grow big together
  2. His or her efforts to engage his public with your product/service will make you go big in business
  3. You get naturally more popular, more people will look after what you offer
  4. More people will find him given he is one of the most reputable experts to represent your brand

It is an “everybody gets to win” type of strategy:

  • You get to promote your products or business
  • Your influencer partner gets content to provide his audience and products for free or revenue
  • Your public gets great products and specialized niche tips.

“Customers are constantly looking for genuine business truth-tellers who can tell them where it is safe to put their money on”

Provided The Most Accurate After-Sales Feedback From Your Customers

One thing is for sure, you can have the best team of product developers and specialists, but your customers are going to be the ones to say whether or not your product/service is worth buying or not!

So after you get to make a considerable number of sales due to your influencer marketing strategy, make sure to keep track of your influencer audience and listen to their customer opinion and prospects after they acquire the goods you provide.

Keeping a good relationship with your targeted public is the key to success with influence marketing so that you will be able to keep long-term customers and very satisfied influencers.

If you are not comfortable with doing the influence marketing but understand the power of it, there are a lot of great services that can either do the work for you or provide services that will aid you in getting started.

Here are a few great resources providing influence marketing services:

Please note: These influencer links are in no particular order, we are in no way affiliated with them and they are not affiliate links.

If you know of other resources for companies or software that help with influencer marketing, comment below and we will be sure to update this article.

