20 Best HTML5 Tools for Designers & Developers {Updated}

HTML5 coding and web development with tools for designers and developers

The above HTML5 video has been translated below to provide links to the HTML5 tools I talk about. This html5 tutorial shows some of the best tools I have found and used that will benefit both designers and developers. I will be posting more HTML5 5 youtube videos here soon

Do you want to save your time without compromising on the quality of your work? If yes, then here are some solutions for you to try.

The following are 20 best and most useful HTML5 tools for web designers that not only save your time but also improve your productivity.

A brief introduction- What is HTML5? HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web. The tools given below are a great way to understand HTML5 and helps learning how to create HTML5 websites. Also, these tools help to easily create and manage the code for building web pages. While trying some of these tools out, keep in mind you can always get html assignment help from talented coders all over the internet.

Here is the list of 20 best HTML5 tools for designers and developers:

1. HTML KickStart: It is an ultra–lean set of HTML5, jQuery and CSS files, layouts and elements designed to give you a headstart and save you a lot of hours on your next web project.

2. CrossWalk: It is a web runtime for ambitious HTML5 applications. CrossWalk provides all the features of a modern browser that are combined with deep device integration and an API for adding native extensions. This HTML5 tool is best suited to mobile devices along with support for both Android and Tizen.

3. JS CAPTURE: This HTML5 tool has screen capturing library implemented with pure JavaScript and HTML5. JSCapture allows you to make screenshots and record a video of your desktop from your browser. This tool uses getUserMedia for screen capturing. The API for screen capturing is supported only by Google Chrome, Chromium and Canary by enabling an experimental flag.

4. Onsen UI: It is a front-end development framework for PhoneGap/Cordova hybrid apps. Onsen UI focuses on the creation of usable mobile applications. Also, it is simple to develop backend features and add device support. This HTML5 tool is developed using Angular.js and Topcoat. As it is having robust architecture structure for mobile applications, so you can take benefit of the powerful features of Angular.js.

Here is a link if you are looking for more on Mobile App Development Platforms

5. Sprite Box: It is a WYSIWYG tool to help web designers quickly and easily create CSS classes and IDs from a single sprite image. Sprite Box is based on the principle of using the background-position property to align areas of a sprite image into block elements of a web page. This tool was made using a combination of CSS3,  JQuery and HTML5. Also, it is free to use.

6. Purple Motion: Using this HTML5 tool, you can create publications that fully engage your readers through user controlled animations and a seamless blend between text, video, audio, pictures and further assets. Purple Motion lets you create scrolling-based storytelling without any coding. So, start today and tell your stories the right way.

7. Ink: It helps you quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device & client. Using this HTML5 tool, you can reach out your tentacles to a broad range of people who subscribe to your emails. The CSS framework of Ink helps you craft HTML emails that can be read anywhere on any device.

8. Chart.js: It is an object-oriented JavaScript charting libaray with html5 canvas for designers and developers. Chart.js currently supports 6 chart types (line, radar, bar, column, pie and polar area) and all this comes in a standalone <5kb package.

9. Gauge.js: It is a slick script for creating animated gauges with JavaScript in HTML5 canvas. Gaufe.js’s script is standalone (jQuery is supported but not required) and doesn’t use any images or CSS.

10. Framework 7: It is a fully featured HTML framework just for building hybrid and web-based apps with a native iOS7 feel. Framework 7 is lightweight and flexible and uses Ajax for navigation between pages you will need a server. So to make it work, you should put dist folder on a server. Or, you may use Grunt’s server.

11. Molecule: The framework of Molecule has been built for enthusiast game developers with more than five years of experience on mobile gaming and more than ten on general game development. Now-a-days, due the better compatibility of mobile browsers with actual html5 specifications and the natural evolution of the hardware inside them, html5 mobile gaming arise as a true possibility and has given rise to Molecule. It creates a simple yet powerful framework to build html5 cross-platform games in an easy and efficient way.

12. Mixeek: It is a free software tool for designing and executing web animations and interactive animated web applications. Mixeek is purely based on HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3. It has been developed to bring lightweight and easy to use alternative to well-known paid animation software tools.

13. Radi: It is an execellent visual design application creating websites with standard and human-readable HTML + JavaScript code. Radi has built-in tools for creating/editing graphics and generating animations with output that work in all modern browsers including mobile.

14. Tumult: Using this HTML5 tool, you can create beautiful HTML5 web content. Animations and interactive content made with Tumult Hype work on desktops, iPads and smartphones. No coding required.

15. Patternizer: It is an easy to use stripe pattern generator. Patternizer is lots of fun and free to use!

16. Sencha: It is a desktop app to create CSS3 animations for WebKit browsers and touch screen mobile devices.

17. Font Dragr: A revolutionary way to test custom fonts in the browser. Here no coding or uploading is required, just drag and drop.

18. Less Framework: It is a CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites. Less Framework contains 4 layouts and 3 sets of typography presets, all are based on a single grid.

19. LimeJS: It is a HTML5 game framework for building fast and native-experience games for all modern touch screens and desktop browsers.

20. Skeleton: This tool is a small collection of CSS files that can help you rapidly develop sites that look beautiful at any size, whether it is a 17″ laptop screen or an iPhone.

Check these HTML5 tools and pick the ones you like the best. I hope you will like this collection and find these amazing HTML5 tools useful for you. Feel free to share your opinions with us in the comment section below. Your comments are always more than welcome.

